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Vector Conversion Tool

Vector Conversion Tool Vector Conversion Tool

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Vector Conversion Tool Publisher's Description

Full list of formats available for conversion:
*From file to Vector file
- cgm dxf, png, emf, eps, pdf, ps, svg, wmf
- sk -> dxf, png, emf, eps, pdf, ps, svg, wmf
- sk1 -> dxf, png, emf, eps, pdf, ps, svg, wmf
- eps -> dxf, bmp, gif, ico, jpg, odd, png, psd, tiff, webp, emf, eps, pdf, ps, svg, wmf
- svgz -> dxf, bmp, gif, ico, jpg, odd, png, psd, tiff, webp, emf, eps, pdf, ps, svg, wmf
- svg -> dxf, bmp, gif, ico, jpg, odd, png, psd, tiff, webp, emf, eps, pdf, ps, svg, wmf, eot, otf, ttf, woff
- ps -> dxf, bmp, gif, ico, jpg, odd, png, psd, tiff, webp, emf, eps, pdf, ps, svg, wmf, html, txt, odp, ppt, pptx, swf

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